PHP captcha solver on «SolveCaptcha»

PHP captcha solver

Solve and bypass Google reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, Image CAPTCHA, Arkose FunCaptcha, Cloudflare Turnstile, Cloudflare Challenge and any captcha with PHP captcha solver.

  • No risk. Pay only for solved captchas
  • Fastest human-based PHP captcha solving service
Start solve

How to automate solve and bypass any captcha with PHP

  • Customer uploading a captcha to a service You send a captcha to the PHP captcha solver.
  • Service generating and returning a captcha ID The server stores your captcha and returns the ID of your request.
  • Worker solving the captcha task The service completes the captcha solution and sends the answer back to the server.
  • Customer requesting the captcha solution using the ID You send a request to the server using the ID to retrieve the answer.
  • «SolveCaptcha» has a good rating Best captcha solving service

    Service is ranked among the best captcha solving service, according to independent analytics by CaptchaTheCat website.

  • «SolveCaptcha» is a fast service Fast captcha solver

    Service is incredibly fast captcha solver, thanks to its integration of machine learning (ML) technology.

  • «SolveCaptcha» is a cheapest service Cheapest captcha solver

    Service is cheapest due to the use of machine learning (ML) technology, which automates CAPTCHA solving at scale, reducing the need for manual labor and allowing us to offer lower prices without sacrificing quality.

Use cases

Bypassing captcha enables to automate captcha solving interactions and is used to optimize tasks such as automated testing, web scraping, accessibility, and improving security.

  • Accesability with «SolveCaptcha» Accesability
  • Cybersecurity with «SolveCaptcha» Cybersecurity
  • Automated testing with «SolveCaptcha» Automated testing
  • Scarping with «SolveCaptcha» Scarping
API Code examples on «SolveCaptcha»

Captcha solver API

The API documentation contains examples of requests and responses. For the convenience of using the service, we have published libraries on GitHub for programming languages: Python, Java, C#, C++, Javascript, Ruby, PHP, and Go. We have also developed code examples for automatically solving reCAPTCHAs using tools like Selenium and Puppeteer.

Captcha solver API