Captcha solver

  • #1 Auto captcha solver online
  • Fast & cheapest
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Captcha typing job

  • Captcha entering job
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Order captchas. Prices for the best automatic captcha recognition, solving, and bypassing service.

  • «SolveCaptcha» prices Pay only for solved captchas
  • «SolveCaptcha» uptime 99.9% uptime
  • «SolveCaptcha» speed Fast captcha solver
«Image CAPTCHA» logo Image CAPTCHA Pricing $0.35 Speed 4 sec. Free capacity, per min. 12,000
«reCAPTCHA v2» logo reCAPTCHA v2 Pricing $0.55 Speed 8 sec. Free capacity, per min. 11,273
«reCAPTCHA v3» logo reCAPTCHA v3 Pricing $0.8 Speed 2 sec. Free capacity, per min. 757
«reCAPTCHA Enterprise» logo reCAPTCHA Enterprise Pricing $0.55 Speed 10 sec. Free capacity, per min. 483
«reCAPTCHA v2 Callback» logo reCAPTCHA v2 Callback Pricing $0.55 Speed 8 sec. Free capacity, per min. 11,273
«reCAPTCHA v2 Invisible» logo reCAPTCHA v2 Invisible Pricing $0.55 Speed 12 sec. Free capacity, per min. 11,273
«Cloudflare Turnstile» logo Cloudflare Turnstile Pricing $0.8 Speed 14 sec. Free capacity, per min. 2,883
«GeeTest CAPTCHA» logo GeeTest CAPTCHA Pricing $0.8 Speed 11 sec. Free capacity, per min. 3,765
«hCaptcha» logo hCaptcha Pricing $1.9 Speed 33 sec. Free capacity, per min. 10,056
«Arkose Labs Captcha (FunCaptcha)» logo Arkose Labs Captcha (FunCaptcha) Pricing $2.99 - $50 Speed 30 sec. Free capacity, per min. 578
«Amazon captcha» logo Amazon captcha Pricing $0.8 Speed 25 sec. Free capacity, per min. 5,632
«Text captcha» logo Text captcha Pricing $0.35 Speed 3 sec. Free capacity, per min. 894
«Slider captcha» logo Slider captcha Pricing $1.2 Speed 9 sec. Free capacity, per min. 64

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«SolveCaptcha» reCAPTCHA solver

reCAPTCHA solver

reCAPTCHA is Google’s bot detection system that analyzes user behavior, assesses risk levels, and, if it detects bot activity, prompts a challenge—like selecting specific images or using an audio CAPTCHA.

While it effectively blocks automated traffic, Google captcha can also introduce accessibility issues on websites or applications and complicate project testing. To bypass these challenges, use the best automated reCAPTCHA fast solving service, capable of bypassing any version of this security measure at high speed.

Supported: reCAPTCHA Enterprise, reCAPTCHA v2, reCAPTCHA v2 Callback, reCAPTCHA v2 Invisible, reCAPTCHA v3.

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«SolveCaptcha» captcha bypass extensions


Bypass extension is a powerful plugin that combines multiple features for captcha bypass. Acting as a captcha reader and captcha decoder, the tool detects captchas on any page and identifies their type. As a captcha breaker, captcha remover, captcha blocker, and captcha filler, it decodes and bypasses any captchas, ensuring smooth access to scontent craping without interruptions.

API Code examples on «SolveCaptcha»

Captcha solver API

The API documentation contains examples of requests and responses. For the convenience of using the service, we have published libraries on GitHub for programming languages: Python, Java, C#, C++, Javascript, Ruby, PHP, and Go. We have also developed code examples for automatically solving reCAPTCHAs using tools like Selenium and Puppeteer.

Captcha solver API

Use cases

Bypassing captcha enables to automate captcha solving interactions and is used to optimize tasks such as automated testing, web scraping, accessibility, and improving security.

  • Accesability with «SolveCaptcha» Accesability
  • Cybersecurity with «SolveCaptcha» Cybersecurity
  • Automated testing with «SolveCaptcha» Automated testing
  • Scarping with «SolveCaptcha» Scarping
Handle captcha in browser automation tools with «SolveCaptcha»

How to bypass captchas

We’ve assembled resources on bypassing captchas, including hands-on coding techniques, code examples, libraries, and tools, specifically to help developers automate and solve reCAPTCHA and any types of captchas.

«SolveCaptcha» captcha recognition methods

AI and human powered captcha solver

Service combines the speed of AI with the reliability of human solvers to bypass captchas like reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha, ensuring uninterrupted automation. The service utilizes OCR based machine learning algorithms to efficiently solve standard captchas, ensuring high performance for speed sensitive tasks. For more complex challenges that AI might struggle with, we seamlessly switch to human-based solutions, ensuring even the toughest captcha are resolved. This hybrid approach guarantees that no matter the difficulty captchas, service provides accurate and reliable captcha breaking results.

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«SolveCaptcha» workflow

How the captcha recognition service works

All captchas are recognized by AI neural network (machine learning) or humans, that's why service can solve all humanly readable types of captchas. Captchas are images containing distorted text that should be entered or a set of different images where you should select only those fitting some condition. All this needs to be done to confirm that you're not a robot. SolveCaptcha is made to connect customers who need to bypass many captchas in real time and workers who earn money by recognizing captchas. We have clients who need to recognize lots of captchas in real time. And we have workers who are waiting for captchas to solve. Service delivers captchas from customers to workers and answers from workers to customers. SolveCaptcha can recognize any currently known captcha. Service is fully automated, so you configure your software once, and then you can forget about captcha solving and bypass.

How to automate the process to bypass any captcha

  • Customer uploading a captcha to a service You send a captcha on service
  • Service generating and returning a captcha ID Server stores your captcha and returns you the ID of your request
  • Worker solving the captcha task Service solves the captcha and sends the answer back to service
  • Customer requesting the captcha solution using the ID You are sending a request to a server using the ID to get the answer
  • «SolveCaptcha» has a good rating Best captcha solving service

    Service is ranked among the best captcha solving service, according to independent analytics by CaptchaTheCat website.

  • «SolveCaptcha» is a fast service Fast captcha solver

    Service is incredibly fast captcha solver, thanks to its integration of machine learning (ML) technology.

  • «SolveCaptcha» is a cheapest service Cheapest captcha solver

    Service is cheapest due to the use of machine learning (ML) technology, which automates CAPTCHA solving at scale, reducing the need for manual labor and allowing us to offer lower prices without sacrificing quality.

Captchas bypass code examples and scripts on PHP, Python, Java, C#, Golang, Ruby, JavaScript

For the convenience of developers, we have created pages for all popular programming languages, in which you can see examples of code for bypassing all major types of captcha. The pages provide sources for downloading libraries from GitHub and other repositories, a standard error handler, and a description of all the necessary parameters to configure installed script packages.

  • A package of libraries and example PHP scripts for integration with the SolveCaptcha API, enabling the automation of bypassing any type of captcha. Includes descriptions of the standard error handler, parameter values, and configuration settings.

  • Python script examples and modules for integration with the captcha solver API. Overview of parameters and their possible values, along with automation for solving all popular types of captcha and error handler descriptions.

  • Java libraries and example scripts for bypassing all types of captcha. Integrates with the captcha solver API to automate captcha-solving, with parameter and configuration descriptions, as well as a standard error handler overview.

  • Example script codes in C# for bypassing reCAPTCHA and other popular captcha types. A set of libraries and modules for integration and interaction with the SolveCaptcha service API. Variable configurations and an error handler included.

  • Example script codes in Ruby for bypassing reCAPTCHA and other popular captcha types. A set of libraries and modules for integration and interaction with the SolveCaptcha service API. Variable configurations and an error handler included.

  • A collection of Go scripts and libraries for integration with the SolveCaptcha service API. Overview of configurable settings and parameter value options for bypassing all types of captcha, along with standard error handling.

  • Examples of JavaScript scripts and an NPM module for integration with the captcha solver API. This package includes an overview of customizable configurations and examples for automatically bypassing popular captcha types such as reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, Arkose captcha, Geetest, Cloudflare, and more.

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